Data from vehicles, what are we talking about

24 mei 2017

Modern vehicles produce lots of data; both by internal systems (OEM installed), as via retrofitted systems. These data offer many opportunities for public and private services in the field of mobility and infrastructure. But which data are we talking about? How can these data be obtained and by whom, and who may process them and under which circumstances? In the accompanying document, 'Data from vehicles' the authors try to find a preliminary answer to those questions.  The document offers a first step in the inventory of the vehicle data and their accessibility. Goal of the document is sharing the knowledge and creating a common picture amongst the parties involved in the subject. The decision making on the accessibility of in-vehicle data will take place at EU level. The EU/DG Move has asked TRL for a report that scrutinizes the possibilities within the EU context. The TRL report is due to be published in June 2017.

This report will trigger the first phase of discussion on the more comprehensive agenda on data issues around mobility.