Workshop Flevoland Smart Mobility Test Center

Workshop Flevoland Smart Mobility Test Center (LAB Center for Mobility)
Date: January 19, 2018 10.00 – 16.00 hrs CET
Location: Provinciehuis Flevoland, Visarenddreef 1, Lelystad
As part of their Smart Mobility Actionplan, the Province of Flevoland has envisioned the creation of a test center at or around the Lelystad Airport Business park for testing and validation of Smart Mobility concepts (LAB Center for Mobility).
The Province of Flevoland, TASS International and Applus IDIADA are organizing a joint workshop on January 19, 2018 to gather market feedback on requirements for such a test center.
The workshop aims to provide a platform for the business sector, the public sector and research institutes to come together and consolidate their testing and validation needs and requirements within four main segments;
· Connected and Automated Vehicles (Self-Driving Cars)
· First-Mile Last-Mile Solutions (Urban Mobility)
· Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
· Smart Freight and Logistics
This is a great opportunity for you to become familiar with the opportunities in Flevoland and influence the direction of the development of a test center that suits your needs and requirements.
If you are interested in attending the workshop, please send an e-mail to
Best Regards,
Province of Flevoland
Gwen van Vugt – Director at TASS International
Abel Carbonnell – Head of Electronics at Applus+ IDIADA
On behalf of the LelyLAB Team,
Frank Rijks: +31 68 2806 949
Komal Rauf: +31 63 1990 707