July 3 - July 6 2017 : TestFest Netherlands

31 March 2017

In the near future, people driving across the EU shall be able to use Cooperative ITS (C-ITS) services seamlessly from country to country. To this end, technology and service compatibility and interoperability are key factors to consider in the large scale deployment of Cooperative ITS services all road users can benefit from.

In the European project InterCor – involving France, the Netherlands, the UK and Belgium –existing C-ITS services are being upgraded and tested for interoperability together with new services. A common set of specifications needs to be validated towards interoperability and seamless service continuity. The validation will be done by testing the interoperability of in-vehicle end-user devices and road side ITS stations from the four EU Member States. This will be done through a set of four interoperability TESTFEST events.

The first TESTFEST, focusing on ITS G5 services (Wifi-p), will be held in The Netherlands co-organised by the InterCor project together with Dutch partners of the C-ITS Corridor. The TESTFEST will take place on the motorway A16, near Dordrecht. Roadworks Warning (RWW), Probe Vehicle Data (PVD) and In-Vehicle Signage (IVS) services will be available via fixed roadside units (RSUs) for testing in representative lab environment as well as for testing in real life traffic conditions.

The InterCor TESTFEST is open for anyone who is active in this field. Interested public and private organisations (public authorities, road operators, systems suppliers, services providers, vehicle manufacturers, etc.) are invited to register and to actively take part in the TESTFEST. i.e. by bringing own on-board units (suitable for the services) and vehicles to test the interoperability with the InterCor RSUs in The Netherlands.

For any questions or further information at this stage, please contact: Peter Schmitting (ERTICO), The team will supply you with further information.

Registration to the TESTFEST in Dordrecht will be open in the coming days.

About InterCor
InterCor is a 3 year project of 30 million Euros co-financed by the European Union under the Connecting Europe Facility; it will enable vehicles and the related road infrastructure to communicate data through cellular, ITS G5 or a combination of cellular and ITS-G5 (hybrid) networks on roads through the Netherlands, Belgium/Flanders, UK and France to achieve safer, more efficient and more convenient mobility of people and goods.