
Er zijn 14 resultaten gevonden. 1 - 10 van 14

In deze bibliotheek vind u producten, documenten, presentaties, rapporten en artikelen die relevant zijn voor de ontwikkeling van smart Mobility oplossingen. Voorbeelden van producten: richtlijnen, handreikingen, normen, architecturen, standaarden en afsprakensets, methodes/ bewezen werkwijzen, lessons learned, overzichten van relevante publicaties, gezamenlijke standpunten (positionpapers, fiches), notities met gedragen adviezen over vervolgaanpak, bereikte overeenstemming of een gedragen analyse, vertaling naar wet- en regelgeving, aanbestedingen. Daarnaast vindt u relevante informatie zoals presentaties en rapporten van afgeronde en lopende projecten en internationale artikelen mbt de thema’s waar de community S&P aan werkt.

Publicatiedatum: 24 May 2017

Modern vehicles produce lots of data; both by internal systems (OEM installed), as via retrofitted systems. These data offer many opportunities for public and private services in the field of mobility and infrastructure. But which data are we talking about? How can these data be obtained and by whom, and who may process them and under which circumstances?

Publicatiedatum: 01 March 2017

The aim of this document is to provide a background concerning processing of personal data in the context of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) and skeleton for further steps to be taken. The C-ITS platform is an initiative of DG MOVE that started in the end of 2014 with creation of 11 working groups to address the various aspects of C-ITS deployment.

Publicatiedatum: 21 November 2016

This flyer presents an abstract of the .
The human factor guidelines present the key human factor and ergonomic criteria for developing safe in-car traffic information services. It enables in-car traffic service providers to take the abilities and capabilities of the driver into account when developing their services.


Publicatiedatum: 08 November 2016

This aid is not a blue print on how to deal with personal data within Smart Mobility projects. The aid offers, by means of a systematic approach and examples, insight in the legal framework around the protection of personal data. It illustrates the necessity to apply Privacy by Design on all data protection sensitive services.

Publicatiedatum: 31 October 2016

Deze notitie biedt een overzicht van de belangrijkste publicaties op het gebied van automatisch rijden. De publicatie is Engelstalig.

Publicatiedatum: 16 September 2016

Overview of the involvement of the Round Tables in international C-ITS workforces.

Publicatiedatum: 31 August 2016

The human factor guidelines present the key human factor and ergonomic criteria for developing safe in-car traffic information services. It enables in-car traffic service providers to take the abilities and capabilities of the driver into account when developing their services.

Publicatiedatum: 01 August 2016

Flyer on the Dutch Round Tables for Smart Mobility.

Publicatiedatum: 01 August 2016

A5 flyer on the Dutch Round Tables for Smart Mobility.

Publicatiedatum: 24 June 2016

This aid is not a blue print on how to deal with personal data within Smart Mobility projects. The aid offers, by means of a systematic approach and examples, insight in the legal framework around the protection of personal data. It illustrates the necessity to apply Privacy by Design on all data protection sensitive services.