
Er zijn 16 resultaten gevonden. 1 - 10 van 16

In deze bibliotheek vind u producten, documenten, presentaties, rapporten en artikelen die relevant zijn voor de ontwikkeling van smart Mobility oplossingen. Voorbeelden van producten: richtlijnen, handreikingen, normen, architecturen, standaarden en afsprakensets, methodes/ bewezen werkwijzen, lessons learned, overzichten van relevante publicaties, gezamenlijke standpunten (positionpapers, fiches), notities met gedragen adviezen over vervolgaanpak, bereikte overeenstemming of een gedragen analyse, vertaling naar wet- en regelgeving, aanbestedingen. Daarnaast vindt u relevante informatie zoals presentaties en rapporten van afgeronde en lopende projecten en internationale artikelen mbt de thema’s waar de community S&P aan werkt.

Publicatiedatum: 01 January 2016

Powerpoint on the Dutch approach in standardisation.

Publicatiedatum: 01 January 2016

Presentation on the Dutch involvement in standardisation gremia.

Publicatiedatum: 01 September 2016
Vergaderdatum: 03 October 2016

This report defines smart cars systems providing connected, added-value features in order to enhance car users experience or improve car safety. It encompasses use cases such as telematics, connected infotainment or intra-vehicular communication. The report excludes Car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure use cases, as well as autonomous vehicles.

Publicatiedatum: 01 October 2016
Vergaderdatum: 27 October 2016 - 00:45

This document is intended to cover cybersecurity issues for all motor vehicles and therefore applicable to all individuals and organizations manufacturing and designing vehicle systems and software. These entities include, but are not limited to, motor vehicle and motor vehicle equipment designers, suppliers, manufacturers, alterers, and modifiers.

Publicatiedatum: 22 December 2016

In opdracht van de Landelijke ronde tafel Security heeft Eric Verheul de specificaties van IFAL uitgewerkt en voor iedereen toegankelijk gepubliceerd. De specificaties zullen in januari in de ETSI ITS WG Security worden besproken. De specificaties zijn ook aangeboden aan andere stakeholders in ITS Security. De specificaties zijn vrij van rechten te gebruiken.

Publicatiedatum: 01 December 2016

Cyber Security and Resilience of smart cars; Good practices and recommendations.

Publicatiedatum: 02 November 2016

VEHICULAR 2016 : The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications

Publicatiedatum: 01 March 2017

The aim of this document is to provide a background concerning processing of personal data in the context of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) and skeleton for further steps to be taken. The C-ITS platform is an initiative of DG MOVE that started in the end of 2014 with creation of 11 working groups to address the various aspects of C-ITS deployment.

Publicatiedatum: 10 January 2017

C-ITS deployment in the Netherlands.
Architecture & Interoperability Table for Dutch C-ITS
version 1.0

Publicatiedatum: 01 April 2017

The Federal Trade Commission and NHTSA are exploring the consumer privacy and security issues posed by “connected vehicles,” including vehicles currently on the road, V2V- and V2I- equipped vehicles, and automated vehicles.