
Er zijn 781 resultaten gevonden. 131 - 140 van 781

In deze bibliotheek vind u producten, documenten, presentaties, rapporten en artikelen die relevant zijn voor de ontwikkeling van smart Mobility oplossingen. Voorbeelden van producten: richtlijnen, handreikingen, normen, architecturen, standaarden en afsprakensets, methodes/ bewezen werkwijzen, lessons learned, overzichten van relevante publicaties, gezamenlijke standpunten (positionpapers, fiches), notities met gedragen adviezen over vervolgaanpak, bereikte overeenstemming of een gedragen analyse, vertaling naar wet- en regelgeving, aanbestedingen. Daarnaast vindt u relevante informatie zoals presentaties en rapporten van afgeronde en lopende projecten en internationale artikelen mbt de thema’s waar de community S&P aan werkt.

This paper provides the most comprehensive discussion to date of whether so-called automated, autonomous, self-driving, or driverless vehicles can be lawfully sold and used on public roads in the United States. The short answer is that the computer direction of a motor vehicle’s steering, braking, and accelerating without real-time human input is probably legal.

Autonomous control sy5tems are designed to perfonn ne11 under significant uncertainties in the system and environment for extended periods of time, and they must be able to compensate for significant system failures without external intervention. Intelligent autonomous control systems use techniques from the field of artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve this autonomy.

We present a method for identifying drivable surfaces in difficult unpaved and offroad terrain conditions as encountered in the DARPA Grand Challenge robot race. Instead of relying on a static, pre-computed road appearance model, this method adjusts its model to changing environments.

For the past hundred years, innovation within the automotive sector has brought major technological advances, leading to safer, cleaner, and more affordable vehicles. But for the most part, since Henry Ford introduced the moving assembly line, the changes have been incremental, evolutionary.

De gangen van mensen worden steeds meer traceerbaar. Er is een bonte verzameling ict-applicaties op het toneel van mobiliteit verschenen, waarmee informatie over de locatie wordt gegenereerd. Het denken over de persoonlijke levenssfeer en de bescherming van privacy loopt bij deze ontwikkelingen achterop. Dat komt omdat locatie-informatie op het eerste gezicht niet echt privé lijkt.

Planning the path of an autonomous, agile vehicle in a dynamic environment is a very complex problem, especially when the vehicle is required to use its full maneuvering capabilities. Recent efforts aimed at using randomized algorithms for planning the path of kinematic and dynamic vehicles have demonstrated considerable potential for implementation on future autonomous platforms.

This report explores the impacts that autonomous (also called self-driving, driverless or robotic) vehicles are likely to have on travel demands and transportation planning.

Although recent studies of Shared Autonomous Vehicles (SAVs) have explored the economic costs and environmental impacts of this technology, little is known about how SAVs can change urban forms, especially by reducing the demand for parking.

33 The emergence of automated vehicles holds great promise for the future of transportation. While 34 it commercial sales of fully self-driving vehicles will not commence for several more years, once 35 this is possible, a new transportation mode for personal travel looks set to arrive.

This roadmap is based on surveys and consultations among major European automotive manufacturers and suppliers.