23 August 2016
23 August 2016
Verslag van de eerste bijeenkomst werkgroep "Data Protection & Privacy" van het Europese C-ITS Platform, op 28 juni 2016.
- First meeting of the WG since the final report of the first phase of the platform: objective is to flesh out next steps in the second phase
- DG JUST and EDPS presented their analysis of Phase I deliverables:
- The deliverables must be analysed against the GDPR and include essential definitions such as who the data controller is. It must also be proven that the objective of processing data cannot be fulfilled in any other way. As part of the consultation with Art.29 TS (Technology Sub-group) initiated in May, EDPS recommended formally consulting Art.29 TS through an official letter to the chairman
- Next meeting in September, further information to be provided in the coming weeks